Sunday, July 1, 2012

Star Trek Inspired: A Trill by any other name

My boyfriend and I decided to have a date night at the apartment, instead of going out. Because I wouldn't be subjugated to the public eye, I decided I could just wear whatever I wanted (i.e. time for a costume). And so being in the middle of a Deep Space Nine conquest, I thought it fitting if my sweetheart could come home to a Trill waiting for him, ready to delight his inner Doctor Bashir. 

These were my reference images: 

Here is my quick design: 

And so after I had sufficient amount of alcohol in me (to steady my hand of course) I took a black eye-liner pencil and went to town all over myself! 

How did I do it? 

     -I watch too much Star Trek for my own good
     -I get drunk too much for my own good
     -I used an eye-liner pencil and went from my hairline, down by my ears, jaw, sides of my neck, and finally, plunging into my neckline. I had a bunch of mirrors around me to help.
     -BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY.  I relied heavily on this tutorial, of which I highly recommend:

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