Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hobbiton in Halloween: Yes, more Frodo (because you can never have enough)

Continuing my "What I dressed up to go to work as" series, I took my cliche route and pulled on my favorite literary character's clothes.

Considering I already posted a Frodo make-up run through test and blabbed for some time, I won't go into too much detail about this here. I will say that I added to the costume by dirtying the shirt with watered down grey and yellow acrylic paint (for dirt and sweat stains), taking my Frodo Costume in a decidedly au natural "I haven't showered in 6 months" sort of vein.

We're not the in the Shire anymore, Toto.

I also dyed my hair dark brown (IT CAME OUT BLACK -_____-  ) and dirtied my face again, which made customers at work treat me like a homeless person. 

And after the third person called me Harry Potter, I nearly rage-quit. 

But without further ado.
Enjoy my nerdiness.

Spring Paris Look, straight from Mordor.

"You're Late." 

Posing like a dork in front of my apartment, before heading off to work (and yes, I sadly had to wear shoes at work. My hobbit self was sad.)

Dirtied shirt, Drop-front Trousers, Vest, and Travelling coat. 

The whole ensemble.


Comments? Questions? Want instructions, better pictures, or to let me know that I should get out more? 
Reply below to fill me in. 

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