Monday, October 29, 2012

Black Books: I spent the day dressed as my favorite Irishman

In my ever continuing obsession with British Television, I have stumbled upon a delightful little show called "Black Books." I immediately took the characters to heart (while laughing my ass off as they dig themselves into deeper and deeper trouble). I highly recommend if you haven't seen it. 

Well. Long story short, I dyed my hair black. Let the record please state that it was an accident. 
However, in the aftermath, I discovered that in my usual morning cranky moods, I could pull his look off rather well. 

Oh Bernard. God bless your Irish heart. 

So I pulled together some props, smoked a couple cigarettes, and come up with this. 

Want to look like Bernard too?
Here's how.

Key elements: 
-A dark blazer
-A gem-tone shirt (dark red or dark blue)
-Dark messy hair (a wig would suffice!)
-A hangover and a scowl
-Props like books, booze, and smokes.

Here is my make-up plan:

I thickened my brows with a black eyeliner pencil. Then I applied a mauve tone under my eyes and around my mouth and jaw line. I applied a hot pink lip-liner on my bottom eyelids for that eternal hung-over/exhausted look. And finally, I took a rough sponge and applied a five o'clock shadow with a dark brown cream based make-up.

Then I made my hair messy, put on a wrinkled blue shirt with my Navy blue blazer and started drinking heavily and shouting insults in an Irish accent.

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