Wednesday, June 27, 2012

M*A*S*H Inspired: Hawkeye Costume

I've been wanting to do a Hawkeye cosplay for some years now, but always felt that I needed that iconic red robe in order to properly pull it off. Fortune smiled on me this week and I found one! So off to my costume closet I went, to pull together a test-run of a Hawkeye cosplay. 

Below are my reference images. I pulled details like the floppy hat, the robe, his golf club (not pictured here but often seen in the show), and of course booze. 

And this is what I came up with. 

I'm happy with it for now, considering the little time and money I had. Notes for next time: 
      -Need dog-tags and a real martini glass 
      -Do an Alan Alda make-up study (I think I could pull it off with a wig for his short black hair) 
      -Go outside and stop shooting indoors, for the love of god!

Questions? Criticism? 
Leave me a comment. 

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