Sunday, November 4, 2012

Commission work: Cowardly Lion

So I was commissioned to make a Cowardly Lion Costume for under $100. This is how I did it (though not a very good step-by-step guide, as I did seem to forget to photograph most of the steps. Oops....) 

Sculpting the ears out of polymer clay. 

Clay is baked and hardened, and now painted. 

Working on the body suit piece - basically an adult footie pajamas with a zipper in the back. 

More polymer clay sculpted for the feet.

Attaching the lion claws to the feet and make it basically indestructible with superglue and duct-tape

Glueing/sewing the fur over the polymer clay. 

Wish I had a better photo, but this is pretty much the finished product for the feet: lion toes jutted off the end, and the rest easily tied over the top of a man's sneaker with elastic bands. 

Now Sculpting for the Hands. 

Attaching nails to paws and gluing/sewing fur over. 

Adding little leathery touches. 

Finished Mittens. 

Hood and lining of hood with ears. 

Now all attached! 

Hood with cowl, ears, and curly mane. 

The body suit finished. Chest fur, Tail, and Padded knees. 

My client was so thrilled! 

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