Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hobbit Day: Frodo Make-up Test

So it's September 22. And those of those with the noblest of nerdy hearts know what that means.

It's Bilbo's and Frodo's birthday, and now all rolled into a simple and amusing geek holiday, called Hobbit Day. How did I choose to celebrate this holiest of days? Why, with second breakfast and a smoke, of course!

Quickly followed by an Elijah Wood look-a-like make-up test.

(My self-consciousness would like to add a side-note here... and that is I don't have my full costume on for this shoot because I'm in the process of cleaning it, so forgive me. Also, I can't find my tripod for the life of me, so these are very much... myspace-esque. Still. I am happy with the work accomplished, not so much the overall production and angles. One of these days I'll get EVERYTHING right and produce an amazing set of photos. But enough rambling. Onward to show-and-tell time.)

These were my reference images: 

This was my sketch.

2 hours, 150 shots later, and just a smidgen of photoshop... this is what I come up with:

(before I had blended all of my make-up)

(indoor lighting test) 

(dirt test)

(outdoor lighting and profile test. Also...I photoshopped my ears. SHH.)

(expression test. my favorite from the whole shoot.)

I'm quite proud but there are improvements to be made of course. My notes for next time:
     -lighten eye-brows
     -study more facial expressions (not just the constipated ones, although I DO think I do them rather well). 
     -probably going to get a wig, because my hair is own curly hair just too hard to control
     -clean costume (its still filthy from Burning Man, hence the black silk vest; not my usual brown one). I wasn't really going for complete accuracy on this little photoshoot, anyway. Just trying to get the face and expressions downpat. 

Questions? Criticism?
Want a step-by-step tutorial or even a video on how to do your make-up like Elijah Wood?

 Leave me a comment to let me know!

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