Monday, October 22, 2012

Pilot Zombie: Easy Halloween Plans

So I went to a Zombie in Downtown Long Beach. I wanted something original - something I knew I wouldn't see (aka, white girl going as a black cat on halloween. PUh-LEEZE). So I pulled together some of my favorite old military paraphenalia and came up with this in the matter of about 30 minutes. 

My first step was to make me look wounded. I didn't want to destroy a shirt so I took an old pillow case and cut some holes for my head and arms. Then I tore off the bottom to make it all ragged. Afterwards, I cut slashes in it, and rimmed the edges with black and red paint, to make it look like a mix of old and fresh blood. 

Then I went to work on my face. 

I put on a while creamy foundation, to make my face look pale. Afterwards I came in with a muave color, and went under my eyes, in the hollows of my cheeks, under the eyebrows, and around my mouth. Then the fun part! I dabbed red creamy theatre make-up around my browline, running down the side of my face, and on one side of my nose, around an eye. Afterwards, I took red acrylic paint and splattered it all over me. 

 And voila! A wild zombie appears. 

You could do this with anything. Tear up a shirt (or pants, or jacket, etc), paint your face, and then add some characterization. A zombie sailor. A zombie accountant. Zombie MacDonald's worker. You get the idea. 

For shits and giggles, I attacked my SO with mad zombie skillz as well. He was delighted. 

Happy Haunting! 

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