Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hobbiton in Halloween: Yes, more Frodo (because you can never have enough)

Continuing my "What I dressed up to go to work as" series, I took my cliche route and pulled on my favorite literary character's clothes.

Considering I already posted a Frodo make-up run through test and blabbed for some time, I won't go into too much detail about this here. I will say that I added to the costume by dirtying the shirt with watered down grey and yellow acrylic paint (for dirt and sweat stains), taking my Frodo Costume in a decidedly au natural "I haven't showered in 6 months" sort of vein.

We're not the in the Shire anymore, Toto.

I also dyed my hair dark brown (IT CAME OUT BLACK -_____-  ) and dirtied my face again, which made customers at work treat me like a homeless person. 

And after the third person called me Harry Potter, I nearly rage-quit. 

But without further ado.
Enjoy my nerdiness.

Spring Paris Look, straight from Mordor.

"You're Late." 

Posing like a dork in front of my apartment, before heading off to work (and yes, I sadly had to wear shoes at work. My hobbit self was sad.)

Dirtied shirt, Drop-front Trousers, Vest, and Travelling coat. 

The whole ensemble.


Comments? Questions? Want instructions, better pictures, or to let me know that I should get out more? 
Reply below to fill me in. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Black Books: I spent the day dressed as my favorite Irishman

In my ever continuing obsession with British Television, I have stumbled upon a delightful little show called "Black Books." I immediately took the characters to heart (while laughing my ass off as they dig themselves into deeper and deeper trouble). I highly recommend if you haven't seen it. 

Well. Long story short, I dyed my hair black. Let the record please state that it was an accident. 
However, in the aftermath, I discovered that in my usual morning cranky moods, I could pull his look off rather well. 

Oh Bernard. God bless your Irish heart. 

So I pulled together some props, smoked a couple cigarettes, and come up with this. 

Want to look like Bernard too?
Here's how.

Key elements: 
-A dark blazer
-A gem-tone shirt (dark red or dark blue)
-Dark messy hair (a wig would suffice!)
-A hangover and a scowl
-Props like books, booze, and smokes.

Here is my make-up plan:

I thickened my brows with a black eyeliner pencil. Then I applied a mauve tone under my eyes and around my mouth and jaw line. I applied a hot pink lip-liner on my bottom eyelids for that eternal hung-over/exhausted look. And finally, I took a rough sponge and applied a five o'clock shadow with a dark brown cream based make-up.

Then I made my hair messy, put on a wrinkled blue shirt with my Navy blue blazer and started drinking heavily and shouting insults in an Irish accent.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Scourge of the Seven Seas: So I went to work as a Pirate

Remember how we talked about destroying Pillow cases in my post about the zombie make-up? I re-used the same piece a few days later when my boss announced that we would get to come to work in costume. 

As you can imagine, I was thrilled to death. 

And so I threw this together, in about 45 minutes one morning. Key elements: 

-Eyepatch (ripped from black cloth and hot glued together in seconds) 
-Plastic Sword 
-Bandanna over my hair (wish I had a pirate hat but this is acceptable) 
-Fluffy white shirt 
-Adventure boots (mine happen to still be filthy from my recent excursions into the desert, as you can see...) 
-Knick-knacks. I.e.... Rings, necklaces... you know, things Pirates pick up on successful Commandeerings. 

I also lined my eyes Jack-Sparrow style and dirtied my face with some black eye shadow. 

I had loads of fun working that shift, and found my sword to come in handy. As the night wore on, and my patience wore thin, I began brandishing my weapon at customers to tell them to walk the plank (after they refused to leave even 30 minutes after our normal closing hours). Only around Halloween would I get away with such wonderful behavior.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pilot Zombie: Easy Halloween Plans

So I went to a Zombie in Downtown Long Beach. I wanted something original - something I knew I wouldn't see (aka, white girl going as a black cat on halloween. PUh-LEEZE). So I pulled together some of my favorite old military paraphenalia and came up with this in the matter of about 30 minutes. 

My first step was to make me look wounded. I didn't want to destroy a shirt so I took an old pillow case and cut some holes for my head and arms. Then I tore off the bottom to make it all ragged. Afterwards, I cut slashes in it, and rimmed the edges with black and red paint, to make it look like a mix of old and fresh blood. 

Then I went to work on my face. 

I put on a while creamy foundation, to make my face look pale. Afterwards I came in with a muave color, and went under my eyes, in the hollows of my cheeks, under the eyebrows, and around my mouth. Then the fun part! I dabbed red creamy theatre make-up around my browline, running down the side of my face, and on one side of my nose, around an eye. Afterwards, I took red acrylic paint and splattered it all over me. 

 And voila! A wild zombie appears. 

You could do this with anything. Tear up a shirt (or pants, or jacket, etc), paint your face, and then add some characterization. A zombie sailor. A zombie accountant. Zombie MacDonald's worker. You get the idea. 

For shits and giggles, I attacked my SO with mad zombie skillz as well. He was delighted. 

Happy Haunting!