Sunday, October 28, 2012

Scourge of the Seven Seas: So I went to work as a Pirate

Remember how we talked about destroying Pillow cases in my post about the zombie make-up? I re-used the same piece a few days later when my boss announced that we would get to come to work in costume. 

As you can imagine, I was thrilled to death. 

And so I threw this together, in about 45 minutes one morning. Key elements: 

-Eyepatch (ripped from black cloth and hot glued together in seconds) 
-Plastic Sword 
-Bandanna over my hair (wish I had a pirate hat but this is acceptable) 
-Fluffy white shirt 
-Adventure boots (mine happen to still be filthy from my recent excursions into the desert, as you can see...) 
-Knick-knacks. I.e.... Rings, necklaces... you know, things Pirates pick up on successful Commandeerings. 

I also lined my eyes Jack-Sparrow style and dirtied my face with some black eye shadow. 

I had loads of fun working that shift, and found my sword to come in handy. As the night wore on, and my patience wore thin, I began brandishing my weapon at customers to tell them to walk the plank (after they refused to leave even 30 minutes after our normal closing hours). Only around Halloween would I get away with such wonderful behavior.

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